Teething is...EVIL!
I wish there was some way to tell your little baby that they are upset and uncomfortable because their teeth are coming in and it will feel better once they pop through! But alas, there is no way to tell them it will all be OK soon:/
Liam has been teething since about 3 months old..and here we are a week away from 7 months and still, NO TEETH!!! At his 6 month check up the doctor said that we should see some teeth soon, but we are still waiting. Teething definitely goes in spurts. Some days are really bad and some days are normal. We know Liam is having a rough day when we cannot keep his hands, or anything else out of his mouth...and he's fussier than normal.
When his teething really kicked it up a notch we started trying different things to help soothe his aching gums. In the pictures above are some "soft" teethers we got as a gift. These are not the ones you freeze or leave in the fridge. These are strictly for chewing. Liam likes the one with smaller nubs that he can easily fit in his mouth to chew. When he is really in the mood to chew we give him these for awhile until he loses interest. He has also taken more interest in his paci lately. Mostly to turn it around and chew on the back side. But he also seems to want to suck on it more when his teeth are bugging him. This is also another indicator what he is having a rough day teething - when he just gnaws on his paci instead of sucking. Then we know we need to take more action to help him feel better. Sometimes he needs something cold to chew on for awhile. We do have the freezer teething rings which he likes. He prefers we hold it for him though because it does get rather cold. Sometimes he just likes to lick those rings too....quite funny. By far one of the biggest helpers with teething are Hyland's Teething Tablets!! They are a homeopathic remedy for teething. There was a recall on them a few years ago but they have changed the formula since then. I was scared at first because the thought of putting a tablet in Liam's mouth was petrifying! How would my 6 month old swallow a tablet? But, these tablets dissolve instantly in your mouth...I know because I tried one. Liam loves these tablets too. They have a sweet taste to them. The formula provided comfort for aching gums and helps with fussiness. THEY WORK! I first got them on Christmas Eve when Liam was unrecognizable as my happy go lucky little boy - he had been taken over my a very fussy little boy. After one dose I was a believer. I had my happy baby back! On bad days I give Liam 3 tablets every 4 hours. Some days he just needs them once or twice a day, or not at all. Night time is when we give him Motrin or Tylenol on really bad days.
Teething is a LONG process so hang in there! We are still riding the roller coaster! I hope you and your little one find some relief with these tips and tricks!
Let me know if you have other tips or tricks you have used that helped with your little one!!
I would love to learn more from other experienced mommies!
My lil guy has been teething since 2 months ( hes now 5 months) we were making bm ice cubes and putting them in a mesh feeder. Now i do apple slices because my milk dried up. On ad days i soak half a rag in chamomile tea and freeze for a half hr. It helps calm him & he usually takes a nap, also baby naturals oragel, it also has chamomile. Along with the thousand teethers we have just like you lol Good luck & hope.something pops out soon!