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Tuesday, January 7, 2014


A rare happy moment during tummy time.
Li Li likes tummy time less and less now that he can sit up on his own.

I absolutely LOVE playing with Liam.  He is so much fun to watch.  He gets so zoned in on new objects and really examines things closely.  You can just see the wheels turning in his head like, "What is this contraption?"

It took him awhile to figure this one out...he kept trying to pull it apart.  He's quite strong and got frustrated when the toy would not cooperate.  He finally figured out that it twists and turns and now enjoys it thoroughly.  Target $4

This one I thought he would totally love.  It has 3 balls that sound like rattles and the tower has holes in it so as the balls roll they drop through the holes and eventually roll right back to you.  Liam has decided that knocking the tower over and pulling it apart it much more fun!

Liam got this for Christmas from his Great Aunt (Gi Gi). 
The bucket makes noise whenever you move it and when you drop the shapes into it.  Liam has not figured out how to put objects into buckets yet but he loves to shake the bucket with the shapes inside. 

Liam loves this toy!
He loves to spin the shapes and move them up and down the bars.  He wants so badly to pull the shapes off, so sometimes he gets a little frustrated with it.  I love this because it has suction cups on the bottom so we can stick it to his high chair and keep him occupied:)

By far his favorite thing to play in!  He got this little car for Christmas from grandma and grandpa and we sit in it almost every morning for 20+ minutes.  I know ALL of the songs it sings now and they are stuck in my head 24/7.  This one is also great because it keeps him from falling backwards so if I need to run and do something really quick, I feel OK leaving him in it.

So my little boy is a genius!  I showed him how to hit his two rattle balls together and he did it!  He loves to shake them as you can see:)  So much fun to watch him having so much fun!  

He is such a happy little boy!
Love him so much!


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