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Sunday, January 5, 2014

Post Baby Body Issues and Workouts

Your Post Baby Body

 37 weeks...ready to pop!

39 weeks...let's go kiddo!  (He listened and came 4 days later)

As we get to the end of our pregnancy, there is nothing we want more than to be free of the tiny human growing inside us, and we can't wait to "get our body back."  At least, this is how I was feeling.  I was done being pregnant and could not wait to meet my son! still look pregnant after you have your baby!  Umm no one mentioned this little tid bit of information to me.  I figured I would have some kind of belly afterwards, seeing as it was stretched to the max during pregnancy (see above).  But I was not ready for my post baby belly.  I still looked six months pregnant and I was not comfortable with that one bit.  Stupidly, I had packed prepregnancy jeans in my hospital bag...silly me and wishful thinking.  Well...those did not fit but thankfully my black stretchy yoga pants did.  Prior to getting pregnant I was in the best shape of my life!  I had planned it that way hoping that would help me get my body back sooner after baby.  Working out was my hobby and I loved it - 6 days a week for an hour plus doing cardio, weights, classes, you name it I was game.  I stayed active throughout my pregnancy as well.  I was a spin instructor prior to getting pregnant so I was riding my spin bike until month 6 - then I felt a contraction, got scared and decided spinning might be over until after baby.  Once my belly got really ridiculous I moved to walking.  I would walk anywhere from 3 to 4 miles as often as I could.  Lugging extra weight around with me helped!  Total, I gained 33 pounds during my pregnancy...watching that scale hit numbers I had never seen was scary to say the least.  Now I will say this - I was VERY lucky that most of the weight literally fell off after Liam was born.  I came home from the hospital 20 pounds lighter!  The remaining 13 pounds took work.  I attribute most of my weight loss to breastfeeding and eating "decently" post baby.  Don't get me wrong - I am hungrier than I have ever been because I am breastfeeding.  I can eat my husband under the table!  

Breastfeeding "burns" 500 calories a day.
Here's the truth...breastmilk contains 20 calories an ounce.  SO...if you produce about 30 ounces a day that equals about 600 calories.  However, you are not burning those calories like you would in a workout, but yes, technically 600 calories leave your body daily.  

How the heck do you squeeze a workout in when you have an infant?
Simple - do the workout with your baby!
Liam loved sitting in his stroller from day 1.  I was lucky because this meant I could go for walks and eventually run with him in the stroller.  I have the BOB stroller and I absolutely love it.  Bought it off of Craigslist and saved a ton of $$.  Now Liam did not always cooperate in the stroller so workouts became tricky on some days. 

My Workout Regimen:

Cardio at least 3 days a week - this is usually on my spin bike or a 4 mile run when hubby is home.  Liam no longer naps in his stroller because he loves to look at the world.  This hinders my afternoon workouts while I am working because I cannot just plop him in the stroller anymore.  If he needs his afternoon nap I have to ride my spin bike.  No problem right?  Wrong - he doesn't always nap long enough, or sometimes he fights his nap and then I am left high and dry without a workout.

Along with my cardio I try to do lunges and/or squats, push-ups and sit-ups.
This "weight" routine I do at least twice a week.

This workout routine is a FAR cry from my pre-baby days, but it's better than nothing and it is giving me the results I want...slowly.

Things I cannot change about my post baby body:
Unfortunately, there are three things I cannot change about my post baby body, no matter how hard I workout:(
1.) My Hernia
2.) Diastasis Recti (Abdominal muscle separation)
3.) Stretch Marks

I am boldly posting this picture!
Notice the purple stretch marks on my lower belly.  My permanent "outty" belly button (hernia) and you can't see from this angle but my permanent pooch from my abdominal separation.

Can these things all be "fixed?"  Yes - with surgery.  I may have the hernia and abdominal muscles repaired after baby #2, but for now I have accepted them as battle scares from baby #1.  

The hernia was unavoidable - from intense internal pressure because Liam was so big.

The abdominal separation probably would have happened anyway BUT there are exercises you can do while pregnant to help prevent it from occurring.  Obviously, I did not do them because I had no idea this was possible.  I thought all abdominal work was a "no no" while pregnant, but turns out I was wrong.  Along with Kegels (didn't do those either and am suffering the consequences for that as well) doing abdominal work while pregnant is key.  Now, I am no doctor, so ask yours for advice on what is safe to do during pregnancy.  I saw a physical therapist after Liam was born to work on getting my abs to come back together.  They have gotten closer together but they are still separated quite a bit.  My strength is coming back...but my six pack may be a thing of the past.

I am 6 months post baby and I am still working on getting back to the body I knew before Liam.  I may never get it back completely, and that is OK.  I have a beautiful, healthy little boy to show for it!

8 days after Liam!

15 days after Liam!

10 weeks after Liam!

Today - 6 months after Liam!


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