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Thursday, January 16, 2014

I feel like a Faliure:(

*~* I'm Doing Everything Wrong *~*

My precious baby boy this morning 1/16/14
(Almost 7 month old)

Li Li is at daycare this morning, as I go back to work full time next Tuesday (already crying about that, but that's another Post.)  I decided to take some time to really relax this morning.  No workout, just rest and blog:)  I plan to go get my nails done and do some grocery shopping before I get Li Li at noon.  Fingers crossed he takes the bottle OK today!  

Sitting here reflecting on mommyhood, and after a few conversations with my fellow first time mommy friends recently, I wanted to write about that feeling we all get - the I AM A FAILURE and I'M DOING EVERYTHING WRONG - feeling.  I know I am not the only mom who has felt this way at one time or another.  We all worry we are setting our precious babies up for failure because we are doing something wrong.  I mostly worry I am setting up bad habits that will come back to bit me later - especially when it comes to sleeping.  When Liam wakes up at night now, I know he's not hungry anymore, because he gets a full meal of solids before bedtime.  SO when he won't stop fussing...into bed with me he goes.  Ya know what?  He falls asleep in about ten minutes, and the best part?  He turns his face towards mine and touches his forehead to mine so he can fall asleep.  ::Swoon::  Could this be a bad habit for me to break later on....probably.  But for right now, it works and it allows me to get back to sleep.  Once he's completely asleep, I put him back in his crib.  Needless to say, I know many mommies feel completely defeated many times along this road we call parenting.  From sleep deprivation, sore and aching nipples from breastfeeding, constant crying, and just that overall feeling of "what do I do now?" we all struggle.  I think it is helpful to know...YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  We are all going through this as first time moms.  We ALL do not know what we are doing at times!!!  

Solution - reach out to other moms and ask for help or advice!  I am very independent and like to do things on my own without help - but being  mommy has shown me that I need to ask for help!  I am no expert!  Like I do with teaching - do not reinvent the wheel!  Some other mom has struggled just like you, and by asking for help you might be able to forgo that failure feeling.  For me, just knowing that I am not the only one feeling a certain way or experiencing a certain set back, makes me feel better.  That feeling of, "I am not alone," makes me feel like I am doing OK as a mom.  This is a HUGE reason why I started this blog.  I will always be completely honest with my feelings and experiences.  No sugar coating here.  I want you and every other first time mom who reads this, to know that they are not alone and that there is a huge network of moms out there who can and will help if asked!  You are not "less" of a mom if you ask for help, you are a better mom in my opinion!  

So, take a deep breath, tell yourself you are doing a great job, and keep going mama!  Mommyhood can kick your BUTT 9 times out of 10 (heck 10 times out of 10 sometimes) but you are doing a great job because you have your little ones best interests in mind.  I need to tell myself this over and over some days.  Especially when I head back to's for Liam's best interests.  Everything I do is for that little boy!

You are a great mom!
No matter how hard things are a great mom!


Email me with any questions you have!  I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you what I have been through and best of all, I can tell you that you're NOT ALONE!!


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