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Monday, January 13, 2014


Liam - 1/13/14

OK, you knew this blog was coming...

Since we started Liam on solids in December, we have been struggling with constipation.  Liam has been exclusively breastfed since day #1 (yay me!)  He was a great pooper early on, but around month #4 he started to stretch out the time in between each messy diaper.  His longest stretch was 8 days!!!  Our previous pediatrician assured us this was "ok" for breastfed babies.  Didn't sit well with me but I trusted him.  Liam was never uncomfortable or bloated so he must have been fine.  

I decided to give Liam rice cereal first to make sure he could swallow alright...he sure could.  Once I saw this, I decided to switch him to oatmeal after a few days because rice can be so binding.  We switched to oatmeal and he seemed to like to flavor better immediately.  This was still only about a week into solids so he was not constipated yet.  That started a few days after we gave him sweet potatoes.  Now, I guess sweet potatoes and yams are interchangeable in the US, but I found a white sweet potato at my Albertson's and that's what we started with.  Maybe it was more binding because it was white, but who knows.  Liam started to have trouble pooping a few days after this was introduced.  He strained for 30 min one night to finally get it all out and boy did he:(  After seeing him strain for so long my husband and I knew we had to help him out more.  You never want to see your little one strain like's heartbreaking.  After talking to a few mommy friends, I guess it is normal for breastfed babies to struggle with constipation once solids are introduced because breastmilk is so easily digested.  Thankfully - with our little interventions and tricks I think Liam is doing better now.  He still has to try harder but I think that just goes with the territory now because it's just thicker now...sorry TMI!

Here are my tips for constipation:
1.) Bicycles!!  While baby is playing, take their legs and do some bicycles moves a few times a day.  Also, do some knee to chest moves gently.  I sing Li Li a little song when we do it called "Get the Poopies out."  HAHA  You can make up your own!
2.) PRUNE JUICE - dilute it in water and let baby enjoy.  Liam actually likes it!  I think it tastes awful but hey, glad he likes it!  I do about 4 oz of water to 1.5 oz of juice.  
3.) Introduce some green veggies early!  Liam just had peas and I swear that is already helping!  Some fruits are really helpful too - peaches, pears, plums...the P's basically.  

Hopefully your little one won't get too blocked up like Li Li!

Good luck!!


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