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Friday, January 3, 2014

I'm still a wife!

Something we all need to remember as new moms...we are still wives and we still have a husband!  I will be the first to admit that I have been completely wrapped up and consumed with my son since he has been born!  And to an extent, that's ok and should happen!  I'm blessed to be married to a wonderful man who is patient beyond belief and does everything he can to allow me to just focus on our son.  He does not get the attention he deserves all the time.  

Lately, I have been trying to do more little things around the house that he normally does to help out more.  Small things like: doing the dishes, taking the trash out, making him a lunch for work, making his breakfast and coffee on the weekends, etc.  He has stepped up to the plate as a dad and a husband more than most and he deserves to be treated like a king:). It's not like it used to be where we only had each other to worry about...we now have a very demanding tiny person to attend to.  I'm not gonna lie, sometimes we are more like teammates than hubby and wifey.  We have to make plans for us time so there really are no more spontaneous outings or dates.  But, making that time is huge!  It's amazing what an hour together will do!  It helps us reconnect and it helps us cope better during the wee hours of the morning when Liam is on a demanding streak.  

Moral of the story:
- It's ok to feel like your relationship has has!  
- Make time for each other...even if it's 30 min after baby goes to sleep to watch a tv show together! 
-Talk talk talk!  You've got to share how you're feeling with each other and communicate your needs!  
- Hug and kiss often:). You both need it!


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