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Friday, January 10, 2014

First Set of Shots Nightmare

My poor baby just after his first set of shots at 8 weeks old.
He got one oral vaccine and 3 shots in his little thighs:(

I'm not one to advocate medicating your child, but after our experience with Liam's first set of vaccines, I fully believe in the power of Tylenol!

Liam received his shots around 10:30AM on a Friday.  As many first time mommies know, seeing that happen for the first time was heart wrenching!  He went from all smiles to big alligator tears just screaming.  My husband was at work, so I was alone at this visit.  Needless to say, I forgot to ask for his vaccine record on my way out, didn't pay my co-pay, and I forgot to ask about any paperwork we may need regarding his shots - like what to expect or watch for.  In my opinion, doctor's offices should immediately provide this for new mommies knowing that we are very scatter brained and can hardly remember to eat and shower all day.  (Side note: Our new doctor gave us paperwork about his vaccines right her and her staff.)  All my brain was saying was, "Get Li Li home and nurse him and let him rest."  Which is exactly what I did, as you can see from the second picture above.

The rest of the day he was just fine, happy and smiley like always.  At 8 weeks he was still going to bed around 9PM.  At 7PM when I was getting ready to give him a bath I thought he felt warmer than usual.  Now, I always worried about him getting a fever, and he always felt warm to me so my husband tried to calm my fears and told me not to worry.  After his bath he felt a little cooler but that quickly changed.  At PM he started to feel really warm to me, so we took his temperature with a forehead thermal scanner - highly recommend (Target.)  Just as I feared - 99 degrees.  Liam normally ran around 98 or even 97 so this was elevated for him.  We kept taking his tempt, knowing that if it reached 101.4 we had an ER trip in our future.  By 10PM that thermometer read that terrifying number - 101.4.  I burst into tears and my husband took Liam and said, "Let's go."  

Once we arrived at the ER and filled out all the paperwork, we sat to wait.  Thankfully, because Liam was so young and had such a high fever, we were pushed to the front of the line quickly.  They took his tempt rectally and it read the same number, 101.4.  They moved us back into a room and we waited for the Er doctor to arrive.  He was wonderful, reminded me of my dad.  He checked Liam over and initially started saying it could be a virus he was coming down with.  I then asked if it could be attributed to his vaccines and he laughed and said, "Well of course, that's what it's from!  Why didn't you give him any Tylenol?"  The million dollar question.  BECAUSE no one told us we could!  Our doctor did not even mention this was an option!  The ER doctor said the fever should come down with Tylenol and that from now on to load him up before the shots and after the shots.  We have done this for his 4 month shots and just did for his 6 month fever either time.  You have to give Tylenol based on weight, not age when they are this little.  Ask your doctor for a chart telling you how much to give your little one.  

Our previous pediatrician told me that I, "Did the right thing by taking Liam to the ER."  He also said he would not have told us to give him Tylenol at that age because he does not believe fevers from vaccines are common.  Just a few more reasons we do not go to him anymore.

I hope no one else has to go through this was very scary for my husband and I.  


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