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Levi Bryce Johnston
Estimated Arrival: November 19th, 2015

Sometimes it's still hard to believe we will be a family of four in about a month!  The past two years have been a serious roller coaster, but for the most part now, we have a very nice routine going with the three of us.  Little Levi is about to change everything up!

J and I always knew we would have two kiddos.  The timing was up for debate after we had Liam because we had no idea how hard parenting was until Liam showed us...and continues to show us!  Being in the wonderful school district that I am now, I knew I wanted to use our LONG winter break to my advantage with maternity leave.  With Liam the third time was the charm so we started trying last December.  Of course once you get started "trying" it kind of becomes all consuming.  Having been through this process once before we knew what "worked" so we figured it would happen the first time.  Nope.  Even when the stars align your odds of getting pregnant are only like 25%....which still makes me wonder how there are so many "oopsies?"  No offense if you have had one...for me I don't see how it could ever happen, as I know/knew my cycle to the T.  Figuring we nailed it the second time we were both a little surprised when it was a no go again.  After two attempts I went a little nutty and researched all kinds of natural fertility boosters.  That third month I was drinking fertility tea each day, eating avocados, sunflower seeds, and flax.  I also stopped drinking wine and coffee...awful I know!  But whether all that worked or the stars just aligned again, that third time was the charm for us once again.  I can never wait to take a test, so a day or two before my missed cycle there I was staring at a strip hoping for 2 pink lines at 5AM.  Low and behold...those two pink lines showed up!  J and I were getting ready for the day and even though I wanted to do something cute to tell J...I just don't have the patience.  I turned to him and showed him the test and it becomes one of those moments where neither of you knows what to say.  You're kind of shocked, excited, happy, and scared all in the same moment.  Of course we were elated.  But I think the idea of two kiddos under 3 quickly set in, and that thought was, and remains, a bit daunting.

We did have fun telling our families this time.  With Liam I called my sister the same day I found out but made her promise to keep her mouth shut until we came down that weekend for my mom's birthday.  This time, my whole family was up for the weekend visiting so J and I decided to tell them.  I gathered everyone on the couch for a "family photo," but instead of taking a picture I had it on camera mode.  Instead of counting to three, I said, "OK everyone say Molly's Pregnant!"  My mom and sister did not hear it that way...they thought I said say "Happy Birthday!"  My dad and Aunt Carole heard me though and their facial reactions are awesome.  So, I repeated myself and the second time around everyone heard me and my sister said, "Oh God?!?!"  Followed by my mom going, "Are you really!?!?" and then high fiving Jason!

We told my husband's family when we went down to visit for Easter.  We decided to put a "Big brother" shirt on Liam, thinking everyone would notice really quickly and comment on it. one said anything!  Half the day went by and no one had said a word.  We were actually out walking and one the neighbors we stopped to talk to noticed and asked.  J and I confirmed it with her which led to telling everyone else once we got back to the house.

This Pregnancy in a Nutshell:
For 5 months I was convinced Levi was a Lexi.  This pregnancy has been NOTHING like my pregnancy with Liam.  It started off with me feeling sick ALL day from about week 6 to 15 again.  Morning sickness is an evil's all day ladies so be prepared!  The first trimester this time was also compounded with fatigue like I have NEVER experienced!  Maybe it was the combo of pregnancy and a toddler, but I literally could not keep my eyes open at work some times.  Mind you I was teaching first grade in that first does one doze off while teaching first grade?  I don't know but I did!  Lots of "recess" breaks for my class just so I could wake up!  I even went as far as to have my doctor check my iron levels and my thyroid because I was so tired.  Nope all fine and normal...just pregnant.

The next speed bump in this pregnancy was week 14...and a stomach bug that landed me in the ER at 10PM one night.  I have never felt so sick in my life.  It hit me like a ton of bricks too.  I literally laid Liam in bed and then ran to the bathroom.  I was sick for hours with no end in sight.  I called my on-call OB and he said, "I am not worried about the baby, I am worried about you being dehydrated, so please head to the ER."  Scary words but off I went.  Let me tell you...IV fluids and anti-nausea meds are fantastic!  I actually did not mind laying in the ER for a few hours.  All my tests came back fine and they were able to hear Levi on the doppler just fine so home I went.  I took the next day off and just recovered as best I could.  Pregnant and the stomach flu/bug = something I would wish on no one!

This stomach bug also signaled the end of my running career for this pregnancy.  I had been maintaining my weekly runs but after this episode I called it quits.  Not just because it knocked me down for a few days but because running had become SO DIFFICULT pregnant.  It literally felt like I had never run a day in my life...and I was a consistent runner with a bunch of 5K's, 10K's and 2 halfs!  The bouncing caused by running also made me feel like I had to pee the second I started.  Not a fun feeling to endure over 3 or 4 miles. Therefore, I started walking as much as I could.  But walking took longer and Liam was not as cooperative in the stroller for that long so my walks soon dwindled down as well.  Being the active person I am and exercis-a-holic I had to find something else to do!  I bought a few prenatal workout DVDs, and most were a joke.  Seriously someone needs to make some good ones.  We are pregnant, not fragile creatures who can no longer sweat!  I did find one DVD that was a decent workout though.  Summer Sanders to the rescue!  She has workouts for each trimester and so I started doing her workouts regularly and trying to walk as much as possible.  Whatever I was doing, it was working because my weight gain has stayed low this time around.  With Liam at this point I was almost to 30 pounds gained (I gained 35 with him).  This time...I just hit the 20 pound mark this week (with only about 5 week to go).  I have been gaining a pound a week now for the last 2 weeks but even so I am still far from where I was with Liam.  I think I have been eating A LOT better this time around.  I have a salad and greek yogurt for lunch everyday plus my snacks are super healthy.  Chasing a toddler and not being able to come home and just nap helps too!

20 weeks was the next fun pregnancy hiccup.  For whatever reason I started getting Braxton Hicks that week.  A lot of them.  I was also really uncomfortable physically.  I think it was just my belly growing and expanding but it sure was a nerve wracking and unpleasant week.  Thankfully I was not working and I was home on summer break during this time.  J only works 5 minutes from home so knowing that was comforting too.  Nothing ever got tot he point of taking any action so I just endured for a week or two.  After about a week the Braxton Hicks calmed down...they never went away but they were less frequent and the discomfort I was in subsided.

21 weeks was fun though because we found out we were having ANOTHER little boy!  My sister threw us a beautiful Gender Reveal Party!  She really out did herself!  I was so shocked it was a Levi and not a Lexi!

Flash forward to 32 weeks...Preterm Labor!
 It was a Thursday afternoon...during the last few minutes of our staff meeting I got a really intense Braxton Hick.  I figured it was because I had been sitting a long time and just getting up to move around would help.  Thankfully our meeting ended and I left to go get Liam.  The contractions continued to be intense and after picking Liam up I decided to watch the clock and see how close they were.  Boom...every 15 minutes like clock work.  Plus, they started to move in a downward motion and it would hurt like a menstrual cramp and travel to my back.  I should have gone to the ER based on this alone but I waited for J to get home and then laid down on my side.  The contractions lessened but did not go away completely.  I was able to sleep that night but they started up again in the morning.  I still intended to go to work and just call my doctor and see what she wanted me to do.  Thankfully ( I guess ) Liam threw up on me that morning so I called into work to stay home.  BUT...there were no subs!  J stayed home with Liam while I ran into work to get things squared away and pray for a sub.  My wonderful and amazing office manager came to my room and asked why I was there and told me that she had me all covered and to go home.  I seriously have to best boss and office manager.  A sub did show up just as I was leaving so work was all covered.  When I got home I called my doctor's office and left a message for my doctor.  I got a call back within the hour with my doctor saying go to Labor and Delivery to get checked out.  Well that makes your stomach drop!  I knew Levi was way too little to join the party yet so I was very worried that I was dilated and contracting too much.  I was kicking myself for waiting until the morning.  In a nutshell - it took 2 doses of meds to calm my contractions down enough to send me home.  Thankfully, the contractions had not changed my cervix at all so it was nice and closed!  No one told me to stop working, so I have 2 weeks left until I am off on maternity leave.  Even now in week 35+ I still have contractions almost daily.  Contractions that are more than Braxton Hicks.  Fun fun let me tell you.  Thankfully now we are within the window of safety for Levi.  We still want him to wait but my doctor reassured me at 34 weeks that he would be just fine if he joined the party. we are....35 weeks and 2 days.

The nursery is ready, our bags are packed and we are in the waiting game!  We are excited and scared out of our minds all at the same time.

Beautiful Pictures by Sylvia Torres<3


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