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Saturday, February 1, 2014

Us Moms Need to Stick Together!!!!


One of the coolest things about becoming a mom was that I gained access into this really cool club - the mom's club.  It seemed like anyone who was a mom wanted to talk to me or share some insight or just offer some support.  I definitely felt like I could talk to anyone now, and I have to say it was a really great feeling.  

One of the most important things I have come to learn about being a parent is that you should not judge others for their parenting choices.  Parenting is so individual and people need to do what is right for their families.  Who are we to judge someone for doing the best thing for their families?  

Recently, I was attacked by another mom on one of my "Mom's groups" on Facebook.  I posted a question about the Cry It Out Method - because I was desperate for what other moms had done for their little ones at night and I wanted to make sure I was doing it right.  This awful person decided to comment on my post saying I was a "terrible mom and extremely selfish for ignoring my child's needs and wants." I was so taken aback by this awful person and her comments because I had no experienced such disrespect from another mom in my 7 months of mommyhood.  I thought all of us moms were supposed to stick together and support one another because being a mom is quite possibly one of the hardest things to do.  I was already feeling tremendously guilty for letting Liam cry - so she only made me feel worse and question what I was doing.  I have since left this group because I do not want to be apart of any group that has members like that.  Women who think they can pass such harsh judgement on someone based on one question.  People like that make me sick and I feel sorry for them for being such closed-minded people.  I may not agree with the way every other mom out their parents their children, but it is not my place to judge them, let alone tell them they are awful, selfish moms.  As a teacher, I know what it is like to see bad parenting, or neglectful parenting - but I still don't draw conclusions on parents until I have lots of facts and information to support my findings.  

I am sad that I do not have this group to turn to for support anymore.  I used them frequently to ask questions or share successes.  Hopefully I will find another one.

I urge my fellow mommies and readers to be open minded and try to see where other moms are coming from.  Especially working mommies - we need support and we need our sleep so we can function.  Telling a working mom she is selfish and an awful mom is probably the worst thing you can say to her.  She already feels terrible leaving her precious baby in someone else's care all day.  Even though Liam is in the BEST daycare I could possibly hope for.  We all make the choices we feel are the best for OUR families.  Offer advice, and offer support, but DO NOT pass judgement one someone unless you have walked a mile in their shoes.  Cliche I know, but oh so true!  


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