Not many people can say they have run a half marathon. I get the pride and pleasure of saying I have.
So why did I decide to take on this challenge?
2 reasons:
For me - to get in shape and do something for myself
To be able to say I did it before my son turned one
The second reason might be a little vain and silly but for some reason I wanted to accomplish something physically challenging before Liam turned one. You can't get much more challenging than a half marathon! It's hard to believe that all of my training actually paid off and I was able to run the entire half marathon without a few steps at each water station to pick up a cup! It wasn't until after I completed the race that I heard how challenging the course was for even experienced runners. Kind of made me feel even more awesome for running the whole way!
Here's a little recap of how the day went...
5:30AM - jumped in the car with Sylvia (my awesome office manager at work who also loves running)
We drove to the race together and I am so glad I had her with me before the race!
Once the race started I lost her very quickly in the massive crowd of people. That was something I was not crowded it was! My first mile was slower than I have ever run because I could not get a clear path. Once people spread out I was able to find my groove and go! Right around mile 3, I decided to pick it up and increase my pace. I wanted to run each mile at a 10:30 pace but I definitely went up and down. The course was pretty flat until about mile 6.5...that's when we all encountered Chalk Hill. A twisting, turning upward climb that never seemed to end! I told myself to keep running no matter how "slow" it felt because I knew if I walked I would have trouble picking it up to run again.
Mile 6! Feeling good! |
My reward after climbing Chalk Hill! Beautiful vineyards! |
This is what 3,000 + people look like at the start line! |
After climbing the hill, we were all rewarded with a few miles of downhill...which would wreak havoc on my knees later! I felt really good after climbing that hill. I picked up my pace a bit, but kept it under control because I knew I had about 6 miles to go.
This is mile 10! I was feeling really good and was excited to be close to the finish line! |
All of my training, and reading said that the last 3 miles would be ok because you would have adrenaline to drive you home. Umm...adrenaline left me at the start line! I was feeling great at mile 10. I grabbed some water and ate a few of my sports beans, and felt like I could definitely make it to the end.
Then more hills started coming. I remember thinking..."How is there another hill? Why would they make a course where there are hills at mile 11 and 12?" The final 2 miles were by far the hardest. I was losing steam and losing my motivation. It was that feeling of...I am so close and yet so far. Funny how 2 miles can seem so short and so far at the same time.
I remember coming to the top of the last hill and seeing people walking down the sidewalk who had already finished and were wearing their medals and shouting..."Last hill, you can make it!" That helped kick my butt back in gear, and I knew I wanted to finish strong. I did not want to look like I was dying as I crossed the finish line...even if I felt like it! As I made my way into town, the crowd increased and the cheering increased. I got a random high five from a spectator and lots of encouragement as I got closer. People really are great sometimes!
Best feeling...turning that final corner and seeing the finish line! I literally started to get choked up...I almost cried. I am not sure why I felt so emotional. Maybe it was knowing I had completed the goal I set and did it all on my own. No one was out there on the course pushing me. I only had myself to rely on to get from start to finish. That was a pretty rewarding feeling. Maybe it was just my body's reaction to knowing it got to rest soon!
Second best feeling...hearing my hubby and family cheer me on as I crossed the finish line. They surprised me with shirts that said, "Team Molly!" So cute! It was great to have them there for support and to watch me accomplish something I never imagined doing!
I am officially addicted to running and the feeling you get when you cross the finish line!
I am doing a 10K in July and September and I have convinced my hubby to run another half with me in September:) We are currently training together and it's great to have a running buddy (two if you count Liam).
I also have to say a HUGE thanks to Marisa! She trained with me every weekend and was a great running buddy! She did a crazy mud run with obstacles and stuff the weekend after my half marathon! She is super woman for sure:)
So glad to be done! |
Heck yay I can! |
All done and so proud of myself! |
What a great support system! |
Love them! |
Awesome shirts made by my sister:) |
Liam was such a good boy! |
I am crazy! But it's a good crazy! |
Can't wait for my next race!!