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Sunday, November 15, 2015

Levi's Birth Story

                       Levi Bryce 

Levi's Birth Story:
Before I forget...haha like that will happen!

All started Monday 11/9/15...
I was having contractions on and off all day and it felt like Levi was going to fall out!  But like before everything stopped by the afternoon!  

Tuesday 11/10/15...
Went to the doctor for my weekly NST.  Was having contraction that were pretty good every two minutes. Doctor checked me and I was 2.5 cm so she stripped my membranes and said it would be before the end of the week! My contractions continued but spaced out as the day went on.  By the evening they started to pick up again so I timed them and they were about 5-10 min apart.  I went to bed thinking it would probably happen the next day. 

3AM 11/11/15...
Really bad contraction woke me up and when I rolled over...warm wetness which I thought was my water breaking.  Went to check and I was bleeding. By his did not happen with Liam so I was scared.  The contractions were really bad at this point and I woke up J and we headed to the hospital.  We got there just before 4 and I was in tremendous pain and 5cm dilated already.  I asked for an epidural right away but of course it's a waiting game.  

Two things that really bugged me:
1.) My first nurse!!!!  She was kind of a jerk and she tried to give me fentenal (sp?) without my permission then made me feel bad for refusing it. 

2.) The OB who admitted me checked my dilation DURING a contraction telling me to relax and drop my legs further.  Ummmm like contractions aren't bad enough....her checking me made them off the charts!!!  Then telling me to relax...I was ready to punch her!!

5:30AM 11/11/15...
Epidural bliss!!!  Now if you know Liam's story, you know my epidural did not work!  This time around it worked perfectly:) I was 7cm already when I got the epidural!  Things were going fast!!! 

Just after water broke and my doctor showed up!  My OB is amazing and I love her!  She came in just to deliver me! She stayed with me the whole time we pushed.  I had to push a little early because Levi's heart rate dropped after contractions.  Something called a decel I think.  

Apparently I have one great push and Levi almost came out and no one was really ready lol!  Then everyone quickly got ready...gowns and gloves and I had to "hold him in" until they said go.  Thank goodness my epidural was working!!!  Once everyone was ready one more push and out he came!!  Jason got to deliver Levi completely unassisted from my doctor. He only cried a little bit and calmed down instantly once he was on my chest.  

Favorite moment...J came over after delivering Levi and as soon as Levi heard his voice he turned and looked at J!  It was precious!  

There was no room ready for us so went spent almost all day in the delivery room but it was actually very quiet and peaceful in there!  

I'm so glad labor is over and Levi is here! It's nice being able to bend over again!  I'm actually not in any pain really!  Which means I really need to be reminded to take it easy!!  

We are officially a family of four and parents to two beautiful boys (under 3)!  


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